Monday, April 30, 2007
To those whom I have confided in these past few weeks/months, I believe you know that I'm feeling lost. My route is already set, ORD followed by my first year in Aus doing my Dip in Airline Transport Pilot and followed by a degree in Aeronautical Engineering. Recently, there's been a very big issue regarding SIA Pilots and the A380 superjumbo jet. Apparently pilots assigned to the A380 are only paid as high as a B777 which is strange considering how much bigger the A380s are. Anyway the main point is, the pilots wages were actually revealed on the straits times and an average pilot can get to earn up to 250,000 per annual! Thats god damm alot of money. But somehow I wasnt really happy. Strange huh?
Up to now, I'm actually still wondering what was it that i did wrong in my past relationships.Its not like I didnt put in the effort or I totally neglected them.. up to now i'm clueless. I no longer have the confidence to actually commit and able to say that, things will work out fine eventually cos it has never did. With the past few months, i've been looking for different things to divert my attention, playing guitar, fishing , learning how to dive and even clubbing. But in the end, it doesnt seem to help at all. I'm just prolonging this pain that i have. Even though , i do have someone in mind now , I dont dare to venture any where further than just friends. I'm enjoying the company, the laugher , the joy and i guess that is something i do not wish to lose.
I rrealise that i'm not making any sense. nvm...
I'm useless at relationships
around the world in 80 days
[2:27 AM]
Monday, April 16, 2007
Hello Everybody!!!
I've got a question for you guys. Do you think 500 bucks is worth for a 3d2n trip to Tioman with food inclusive? Well.. its not! But if it includes diving, HELL YEAH ITS WORTH IT! LOL
I've just came back from open water diving course in Tioman with HC,KY,JH,FY and SKB and honestly, its damm damm addictive. I'm already thinking of taking my advanced open water. Having been to Tioman and back, one main thing that i can say is that, SG waters are horrible. Where can you actually catch clear water near the shorelines and as you slowly drift out, the water turns blue then gradually dark blue. OMg... Tioman was really beautiful. Sadly we werent with any girls if not it might have also been a damm romantic getaway!! OK, diving.. though its damm fun but its also very tiring. Can you imagine? After clocking our first 3 dives in the first day, we had actually went to bed at around 8plus.Ok..let me lay out our itinary out for our trip,
Day 1
Trip to Mersing Via coach through the night. We boarded the coach at around 8 and reached in Mersing at around 11plus. Well, it wasnt much of a hotel though, more like a motel, pictures are as below. Nothing much for the first night rather. And I forgot to add, my roomie for that night was FY. LOl. instead of sleeping we were actually talking till around 3 plus. Maybe thats why on the second day we were so tired. As for the topic we were talking.. muhahaha for us to know for you to find out.
2nd Day,
We set off in a speed boat to Tioman. It was a very small boat with only the capacity for only maybe at most 20 pple? Upon reaching there, we checked into our room and off we went for our first dive, 2nd dive and finally the last dive. Sad to say , i only started taking underwater pictures on our third when the best dive of the day was our 2nd one.The 2nd dive was where we were just totally surrounded by fishes. Swarms of them! Hmm.. yellowtails.. Kunning fish i think. Selar. haha Tons of them la!
For the nxt few pictures, if you look closer at the dots. Those are actually fishes. I'm sorry my camera wasnt gd enough but well.. its all in my head already =p
Now.. on the way to dinner....Thats why i say, its also a damm gd romantic getaway as well... dont you agree? =-)
Day three.
2 Dives. 1 lesson 1 leisure. Lessons.. was ok.. but leisure omg. The coral reef was awesome. We actually managed to spot 2 sharks. If i wasnt mistaken its 2 full grown black tip sharks but sadly we didnt managed to catch it on camera. So yeah.. It was sad that after the leisure dive we had to head back to mainland sg. If its possible i would have opt for another dive in the afternoon.
Oh, speaking of niCk. On wed we went down to Zouk for some mambo jambo along with sab. Ok.. i dont think sab enjoyed it well.. i guess thats quite normal for most girls. GIrls are always into RNB. ha. Ok.. alittle sterotypical there. But yeah. We actually drank quite a fair bit like, flaming lamo, b52, rainbow and tequila sunrise. Ha.. goodness i really missed hiM. SOrry that i couldnt send you off on sunday though. If i could i would. Really sorry about it. Anyway Hope to see u sOOn! its less than 2 months! =)
LaterZ all , going out with cuzzie sooN!
around the world in 80 days
[1:21 PM]
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Dear all! How have ya all been doing? Hmm.. NickZ back!! haha ok my weekend has almost been fully devoted to him already and gosh did i miss him man! He didnt change, he didnt really grow fat , he is just nick! lol. OK la.. over the past few days, we managed to catch a movie together, squash and fished together too. And speaking of fishing, thanks to bob, we found a pretty gd place to fish for fishes and gosh there are alot there. The only setback, its illegal. Damm saddening right? But that day, We managed to bring up several of them though we only kept 2 of them.
On wed night,the guys(A1) and I were at Zouk and I have to admit..the songs there were great! Awesome! and the 1 for 1 offer, is definately a gd grab! Anybody wanna go there again? hehe. pictures below...
Nxt week is going to be our dive at tioman. SO exciting!!! lol.
around the world in 80 days
[7:24 PM]